Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Spirit....

This year the Christmas spirit seems to have escaped me. I decorated our condo, even hanging stockings from the huge black boxes James has left taking up precious space. I bought gifts, but mostly out of obligation. I just can't seem to muster up the same enthusiasm I used to have, and I'm not sure why.

Work has helped a little to get me into the Christmas mood. I have one adorable patient who is 9 months old and has NO toys. Not even one. I went to Target, bought her a cute baby book, wrapped it in tissue paper and covered it in stickers from the dollar section. For under $6, I had an adorable gift, and got to watch her tear open (and eat) the tissue paper with enthusiasm. This I loved, and was my moment of clarity for the season.

This weekend I leave for Montana and am excited to see my family and enjoy the holiday with them. Seeing my family is what I have looked forward to most this Christmas, and I think going home will help with the cheer of the season. (If I don't freeze in the 38 below temps!)

Happy Holidays to all.