Yesterday I trekked down to court in Thronton to deal with the speeding ticket I received at the end of January (on my brother's birthday, to be exact). I got to the courthouse at 9am and waited patiently before being told that the insurance charge would be dropped, because I did have insurance, just not current proof of it in my car when I was pulled over. They also decreased the charge from 4 points to 1 point since it's my first ticket in the past year in Colorado.
The interesting part was listening to other cases while waiting for mine to be called. I heard several shoplifting cases (and after this hid my purse), two assault charges with the judge refusing a protective order because of admitted racism, and lots of traffic cases from people who had multiple tickets and would possibly have thier liscenses suspended. Unfortunately, my case was called just before I got to hear about a young girl nearby who carried printed pictures of what looked like a nasty knee injury. I would have stayed there all day, if I hadn't had to work.
$145 later I learned my lesson (sorta) and am now careful to watch for cops, especially in school zones.
Judge: This is your first ticket in your year of driving in Colorado?
Me: Yes.
Judge: This is your last ticket?
Me: Hopefully.