After surgery last Thursday and a resulting cast/dressing complete with crutches and a touch down weightbearing status, I've had plenty of time to enjoy the view from the couch. After 10 days, it's not so enjoyable. Especially since it's my right foot, which renders driving impossible.

The downside is I'm going crazy cooped up with not much to do. James has been great about taking me out, and is incessantly patient as I hobble along, taking twice as long as it would normally take me to get anywhere. Yesterday, after I tackled the long trek down 2 flights of stairs from our 3rd floor condo, I ran into a neighbor lady (who I don't know). She looked at me and said, "Oooooohhhh, ouch, ooooowwwww, ahhhhhh, ooooooowwwww, what happened?" James said she was trying to be nice but I felt like pointing out to her that the only pain I was feeling was the numerous stairs being a pain in the ass to get down.
I'm also a bad patient and have started hobbling around sans crutches. Not painful, but this dressing isn't made for walkin'.
Luckily, my appointment with the surgeon is tomorrow, hopefully I can be outta this and into a walking boot (even though it still doesn't sound good, it's a sunny prospect compared to my current situation). And I have 3 patients scheduled tomorrow after my appointment, meaning I'm driving no matter what the doc says. Hopefully by this time next week, I'll know nothing about Heidi and Spencer, or John and Kate.