For example, James and I go on bike rides on Saturday mornings. Last Saturday was cloudy. No road bike ride. Sunday morning rolls around and we consider a bike ride, but it's too overcast and cold. James suggests we go later. But we can't. Because we don't go on bike rides on Sunday afternoons. I've already showered, and I'll have to shower after the bike ride, and I can't shower twice. And if we go on a bike ride Sunday instead of Saturday, it throws off my entire weekly routine. Because I go Saturday, Monday, Wednesday. So if it's change to Sunday, then what? Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday? That's madness. This is how chaos starts. This type of chaos ruins lives. I need organization. I need routine. I am not flexible. I'm slightly neurotic.
Somehow I swallowed my panic, and ended up riding 17 miles on Sunday afternoon. And logged my fastest average speed to date. Still. The world almost exploded.
Everyone at the university knows I eat breakfast at 8 o'clock and move my bowels at 8:20. ~Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory